BSB in the Media Home BSB in the Media Latest coverage about BSB in the media Forbes BSB rated among the Best Schools in Spain by Forbes - 12th March 2025View El Mundo BSB, One of the Best International Schools in Spain According to El Mundo - 5th March 2025View La Razón A Group of BSB Students Take Part in Hypatia II Space Mission - 3rd March 2025View ABC BSB Profile in Spanish Newspaper ABC - 27th February 2025View ABC BSB Amongst the Best Cognita Schools in Spain - 26th February 2025View Telecinco Pre-University Headteacher Jake Richardson discusses the reasons behind the growing interest in the IBDP - 17th February 2025View La Vanguardia Pre-University Headteacher Jake Richardson: 'IB prepares students not just for university, but for their life' - 15th February 2025View Europa Press Pre-University Headteacher Jake Richardson talks about the benefits of the International Baccalaureate - 15th February 2025View Mum Abroad Executive Principal Neil Tetley Discusses AI and the Evolution of BSB - 13th February 2025View Sapos y Princesas BSB, an educational reference accredited as Outstanding in Every Category - 5th February 2025View El Español BSB accredited again as Outstanding in Every Category - 4th February 2025View La Vanguardia Interview with BSB's Executive Director Neil Tetley on how the school prepares students for the future - 20th January 2025View Ser Padres BSB Primary teacher Gilly Clifford contributes to an article on reading comprehension - 22nd October 2024View TES Magazine Mark Woodward, Headteacher of Secondary and Pre-University, explains how AS Levels work at BSB - 18th October 2024View Magisterio BSB collects money and food for charity on Global Be Well Day - 2nd October 2024View Guía Infantil Assistant Executive Principal James Petrie discusses the transition from Primary to Secondary - 19th September 2024View Interempresas BSB shows the benefits of Colonias trips - 30th May 2024View Revista Plural Andy Burns, BSB's Personal Development Mentor, presents the Peer-to-Peer Programme - 23rd May 2024View El Confidencial James Petrie, BSB's Acting Executive Principal, explains the advantages of new teaching methodologies - 19th May 2024View Hola Pedro Sala, Business Development Officer, explains the advantages of BSB Summer School - 8th May 2024View El Debate BSB promotes reading to learn languages - 1st May 2024View Magisnet BSB promotes reading to learn languages and maths - 22nd April 2024View Bosque de Fantasías The advantages of BSB's multicultural education - 11th April 2024View Revista Plural BSB reveals how to make a responsible use of AI - 19th March 2024View James Petrie, BSB's Acting Executive Principal, talks about the rise of international schools - 17th March 2024View Magisnet James Petrie, BSB's Acting Executive Principal, talks about the importance of students' values, self-esteem, and confidence - 14th March 2024View Hacer Familia The advantages of studying at BSB - 13th March 2024View Educa Peques BSB, one of the best British schools in Barcelona - 13th March 2024View MuyPymes Judy Dean, BSB Castelldefels EY & Primary Headteacher, talks about Leadership in Students - 11th March 2024View El Español BSB among El Español's Top 100 Schools Ranking - 1st March 2024View El Español BSB among El Español's Top 100 Schools Ranking - 29th February 2024View Ser Padres BSB among MiCole's Top 100 Schools Ranking - 27th February 2024View Alto Directivo Judy Dean, BSB Castelldefels EY & Primary Headteacher, talks about Leadership in Students - 14th February 2024View Equipos y Talento BSB helps newly arrived international families settle in Barcelona - 8th February 2024View Valientes Emprendedores Judy Dean, BSB Castelldefels EY & Primary Headteacher, talks about Leadership in Students - 7th February 2024View El Mundo Carol Coleman, BSB Director of Student Support, talks about Special Education Needs - 30th January 2024View Hacer Familia Carol Coleman, BSB Director of Student Support, talks about Special Education Needs - 30th January 2024View La Vanguardia BSB, One of the Best British Schools in the World - 23rd January 2024View El Confidencial BSB among MiCole's Top 100 Schools Ranking - 22nd January 2024View The Huffington Post BSB among MiCole's Top 100 Schools Ranking - 21st January 2024View Cadena Dial BSB among MiCole's Top 100 Schools Ranking - 19th January 2024View British Chamber BSB among MiCole's Top 100 Schools Ranking - 18th January 2024View Equipos y Talentos BSB explains the importance of promoting the development of soft skills - 16th January 2024View Interempresas BSB explains the importance of promoting the development of soft skills - 9th January 2024View Hola Ruby George, Deputy Head Teacher of Early Years and Primary at BSB City, tells us how to spend quality time with our children - 28th December 2023View Revista Plural Ruby George, Deputy Head Teacher of Early Years and Primary at BSB City, tells us how to spend quality time with our children - 27th December 2023View Cuadernos de Pedagogía Hannah Wright, Year 6 teacher, talks about challenges when teaching about climate change - 13th December 2023View El Llobregat BSB joins CNN International to protect the environment - 6th December 2023View British Chamber BSB joins CNN International to protect the environment - 5th December 2023View British Chamber BSB Achieves Common Sense Distric Recognition - 5th December 2023View Éxito Educativo Adam Walters, Music Teacher at BSB, Talks About the Importance of Learning Music in Primary - 4th December 2023View Ciencias Ambientales BSB joins CNN International to protect the environment - 1st December 2023View Forum Calidad BSB joins CNN International to protect the environment - 28th November 2023View British Chamber BSB Hosts SRT International University Fair - 27th November 2023View Diari La Ciutat BSB Hosts SRT International University Fair - 23rd November 2023View ABC Catherine Burns Explains How to Properly Use Technology in the Classroom - 9th November 2023View Hacer Familia Catherine Burns Explains How to Properly Use Technology in the Classroom - 8th November 2023View La Razón Catherine Burns Explains How to Properly Use Technology in the Classroom - 6th November 2023View El Debate Catherine Burns Explains How to Properly Use Technology in the Classroom - 1st November 2023View Revista Plural Catherine Burns Explains How to Properly Use Technology in the Classroom - 30th October 2023View Educación 2.0 BSB Celebrates the Official Opening of BSB City Main Campus - 26th October 2023View Ciencias Ambientales BSB Celebrates the Official Opening of BSB City Main Campus - 10th October 2023View British Chamber BSB Celebrates the Official Opening of BSB City Main Campus - 9th October 2023View Forum Calidad BSB Celebrates the Official Opening of BSB City Main Campus - 6th October 2023View Vía Construcción BSB Celebrates the Official Opening of BSB City Main Campus - 6th October 2023View ABC BSB Celebrates the Official Opening of BSB City Main Campus - 5th October 2023View Interempresas BSB Celebrates the Official Opening of BSB City Main Campus - 3rd October 2023View El Jardí BSB Celebrates the Official Opening of BSB City Main Campus - 2nd October 2023View La Torre de Barcelona BSB Celebrates the Official Opening of BSB City Main Campus - 29th September 2023View La Vanguardia BSB Celebrates the Official Opening of BSB City Main Campus - 28th September 2023View Catalan News BSB Celebrates the Official Opening of BSB City Main Campus - 28th September 2023View Éxito Educativo BSB is committed to curiosity, AI, digital wellbeing and sustainability - 11th September 2023View Éxito Educativo BSB Celebrates the Official Opening of BSB City Main Campus - 6th September 2023View Interempresas BSB is committed to curiosity, AI, digital wellbeing and sustainability - 5th September 2023View Foro RR. HH. BSB is committed to curiosity, AI, digital wellbeing and sustainability - 4th September 2023View ABC The BSB Student Support Team shares how children can have fun while learning with boardgames - 4th July 2023View Cope The BSB Student Support Team shares how children can have fun while learning with boardgames - 4th July 2023View Hola Judy Dean, Headteacher of BSB Castelldefels, shows how an Inquiry Based Learning engages children in their learning - 21st June 2023View ABC James Petrie, Headteacher of Secondary and Pre-University, shares top tips to prepare exams successfully - 9th June 2023View La Vanguardia James Petrie, Headteacher of Secondary and Pre-University, shares top tips to prepare exams successfully - 1st June 2023View British Chamber BSB Receives its First Ever Review by Prestigious Good Schools Guide - 31st May 2023View El Debate James Petrie, Headteacher of Secondary and Pre-University, shares top tips to prepare exams successfully - 30th May 2023View Cope León, Year 12 student at BSB, interviewed about how he improved his public-speaking skills - 15th May 2023View British Chamber BSB will open its new BSB City Main Campus in September - 5th May 2023View La Vanguardia BSB invests €15 million in the new BSB City Main Campus in Barcelona - 4th May 2023View El Mundo Financiero BSB will open its new BSB City Main Campus in September - 3rd May 2023View El Economista BSB will open its new BSB City Main Campus in September - 3rd May 2023View Eje Prime Cognita invests €15 million in the new BSB City Main Campus in Barcelona - 3rd May 2023View Tele Madrid James Petrie, Head of Secondary & Pre-University, offers tips on how to speak in public with confidence - 28th April 2023View El Economista James Petrie, Head of Secondary & Pre-University, offers tips on how to speak in public with confidence - 24th April 2023View Ràdio Castelldefels Audrey, Year 12 Student, Wins the 4Voices International 2023 Contest - 30th March 2023View Sapos y Princesas Germà Rigau, Managing Director at Cognita, explains how to choose the best school - 27th March 2023View Hola BSB's Student Support Team explains the educational benefits of boardgames - 27th March 2023View El Llobregat BSB, One of the Best International Schools in Spain - 25th March 2023View El Economista BSB Celebrates its Second BSB Futures Festival - 23rd March 2023View Visit Sitges BSB, One of the Best International Schools in Spain - 16th March 2023View El Mundo BSB, One of the Best International Schools in Spain According to El Mundo - 9th March 2023View Bankinter BSB, One of the Best International Schools in Spain According to Several Rankings - 7th March 2023View Forbes BSB listed among the Best Schools in Spain by Forbes - 6th March 2023View ABC Rachael Symes, Head of BSB Sitges, explains the benefits of Early Years education - 21st February 2023View El Llobregat Rachael Symes, Head of BSB Sitges, explains the benefits of Early Years education - 20th February 2023View ABC Why Are Students Attracted to the IBDP? - 12th February 2023View El Economista Maria Kovac, IBDP Coordinator at BSB, explains the benefits of the programme - 10th February 2023View Magisnet Why Are Students Attracted to the IBDP? - 8th February 2023View El Economista Why Are Students Attracted to the IBDP? - 6th February 2023View ABC Ms Overton explains the benefits of technology in education - 27th January 2023View TicPymes Ms Overton explains the benefits of technology in education - 3rd January 2023View El País Three BSB Alumni studying at Cambridge University explain their successful journey to gain a place - 29th December 2022View ABC BSB raises awareness of dyslexia by highlighting the power of dyslexic thinking - 11th December 2022View Innova Spain BSB's Philosophy for Children approach helps develop leadership and reflection skills - 9th December 2022View El Llobregat The Chess Master Muzychuk sisters visit BSB - 11th November 2022View Magisnet BSB hosts the British Education Fair - 21st October 2022View El Economista BSB reinforces its commitment to sustainability by installing 440 solar panels - 26th September 2022View Next steps Open Days & Visits Facilities & Location Academic Excellence