Care & Support

Care and support, every step of the way

We believe our students’ journey through school should be customised to their strengths, needs, skills and interests.

Knowing each individual child allows us to provide the care and support needed for them to thrive and achieve their full potential.


BSB is accredited with the Wellbeing Award for Schools

Our commitment to our school community wellbeing was recognised in January 2022 when we achieved the Wellbeing Award for Schools.

This award recognises that emotional wellbeing and mental health sits at the heart of our school life and that we analyse key stakeholder feedback (pupils, parents, staff) carefully to ensure a whole-school approach.

I love the teachers and staff and find their dedication, care and commitment inspirational.

– Year 4 Family, Voice of the Parents Survey 2022

Student wellbeing is at the heart of all we do
Learning Support

Every student is encouraged and supported

Each individual child’s progress is monitored, measured, and evaluated on a regular basis. This allows our student support team to intervene in a timely manner when a student requires additional support or an alternative approach to boost their learning. This could be by scaffolding their learning or stretching and challenging them, targeting the area of need and building on the student’s strengths to enhance their learning experience.


Happy children learn best

Not only are emotional wellbeing and mental health connected to academic success, but we also consider them to be key to our students living fulfilled and happy lives. It is our aim for all our students to learn the skills to deal confidently with the life stressors that they will encounter both during their journey through school and into the future.

Personal Development

We focus on the whole child

Our personal development care involves the whole school community and is inextricably linked with teaching and learning, promoting students’ personal and social development and fostering positive attitudes. Our objective is to create a nurturing and supportive environment in which our students feel confident to explore and develop key skills that will help them thrive in a rapidly evolving world.


A safe and nurturing place to be

It is our duty of care to our students to ensure the protection of their health, wellbeing and human rights.

Our school provides a safe learning environment in which we equip children with the tools to enable them to protect themselves, support each other, share concerns and feel confident to voice their opinions.

British School of Barcelona

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